Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Entre Nos Movie

           Entre Nos is a movie that showed me new things that at one point I could imagine but never have I seen it this way. This movie, as I saw, deals with a Colombian family that comes to United States for ,what I believe is, a better life but the family is soon faced with the sad and ugly parts of the world due to the abandonment of  Mariana’s husband. Through this movie it is easy to see how hard it becomes to leave one’s own country to come to America for a “better life”. Although the actual process of getting to the United States and starting a new life here is difficult, as I have heard, as time and years go by one learns to accommodate ones’ self in this country.
            As I stated before for some people it is easy to say that once you come to this country life is all better, but it isn’t. Before even coming to this country yes, maybe life back in your own country was difficult because there weren’t many jobs or any economic help to keep your family going, but you were not in fear of all the things most immigrants fear now. Many of these include: the risk of getting caught driving without an official driver’s license, being deported and having to leave your family behind with nothing or maybe not being able to find a job, because it is clear that most jobs now a days require proof of being a citizen. When many families come to the United States they start off pretty bad as we see Mariana’s Family started. Most men have to work really hard either in construction, painting or even carpet installing. Most women have to rely on working as housekeepers or babysitters because there aren’t many jobs offered to immigrants. Yes, they are all jobs but most of the time they don’t pay well or you end up working all day and can’t even spend time with your family because by the time you get home it is time to rest because the next day brings another hard day of work. So when the question asking if it is hard for immigrants to adapt to the U.S., is asked I would say that it takes a long and difficult time to get adapted to it.
            Although, as stated, immigrants do go through a rough patch when they decide to come to this country, they also choose to stay here and not leave, but why is that? When it comes to big families with maybe small children I believe they choose to stay here because they feel their children are receiving a better education in this country. For example, my cousins in Guatemala have received or completed most if not all of their education, but they know for a fact that if they would have gotten their education in the U.S. they would probably have better jobs than the ones they have now. Even though some parents do have to work a lot, most of the time it is heard from them that they do it for their children in hopes that when their children grow up they will have a received a good education and have a good career.

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