Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teacher Salaries and the Scottish Hooters

After watching this video I feel that school teachers maybe should not have a say in their salaries but they should have a better pay. I feel that teachers are the ones who educate us and lead us towards the actual “Professional” part of our lives. If not helping us get into to college they help us learn things in college that will lead us to finding a career we enjoy which later on is how our lives are ran.
"Mile after mile of unforgiving terrain devoid of any sign of humanity."
He's trying to say that Illinois or wherever he was going is kind of like a bad place to be at. That it’s a type battle place or war zone.
"The Rockford Province"
I think he was referring to all of the mountains and caves in the middle east where all of these senators are hiding just like Bin laden.
"So I could put it on my Facebook page..."
Everyone uses facebook so maybe he thought putting it on facebook would make it really noticeable because everyone now-a-days has a facebook page.
"It's kinda like Hooters...ah, a Scottish-type Hooters I suppose."
Maybe this was supposed to show how unproductive these senators are. Instead of being busy with their responsibilities they are going to Scottish hooters.
 "Rockford Province"
Someplace they use to hide from the teachers and or problems ..
"Your Wisconsin cheese will run red with blood."
I think he's saying something about killing people.
"That would be f-cking golden."
They were referring to the fact that if they find where the senators are hiding, it would be "f-cking golden”.
“The Infamous I-90 Pass"
Sounds like a passage that could be taken to escape anything coming after you.
"The Wisconsin 15"
Sounds like a group of criminals. Although they aren’t sounds as if
"If I order a chalupa can I just go?"                                                             
Basically this phrase is showing how sometimes we buy ourselves out of situations.
"Women here are forced to wear dehumanizing 17th Century clothing and deliver nachos for the men-folk."
Maybe this was trying to show how women were being treated badly back in the day and although they aren’t treated as bad they are being demeaned.

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