Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Spring Break

I expect many people enjoyed their spring break by going to a different state to visit family, or maybe they went just to have crazy fun times with their most beloved friends, but my spring break dealt with studying volunteering and studying. I can say that i actually did spend Spring Break with the people i wanted to but could've definitely been in a better manner. we enjoyed that Tuesday to the maximum because we volunteered at an IHOP on national pancake day. Although we didn't go for the eating we did of course get free meals. We helped out from around 11 in the morning to about 8 in the afternoon. We were asked to help wait tables and to help clean off tables as well. One of my friends chose to be Charlie The Pancake and enjoyed waving and taking pictures with customers. Although I did not want to they convinced me to get in that costume as well just to lighten up my shyness. the rest of the week I studied for many classes and worked on a presentation me and my friends created to present at a school to encourage kids to go to college. we worked from around 9 at night until 4 in the morning . although we still have not presented it we enjoyed working on it together and are in the process of finding a High School to visit.

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